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qigong opening

about qigong opening moves

  • introduction
  • awakening the chi
  • raising the arms

  • qigong healing and hypnosis
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    If you are going to create your own qigong routines then try starting with one of our opening moves.

    Most qigong sets start with some kind of opening move to create better breathing and to stimulate the chi or qi. One of the main reasons for doing this is to give you the opportunity to clear your mind and focus on your exercises.

    We often do the first exercise - Awakening the Chi - several times in a session as we do different sets of warms ups and a variety of short patterns.



    awakening the chi:

    qigong opening exercise awakening the chi part 1

    qigong opening exercise awakening the chi part 2

    qigong opening exercise awakening the chi part 3

    qigong opening exercise awakening the chi part 4

    If you would like to try this please visit our detailed instructions for awakening the chi


    raising the arms:

    qigong opening exercise raise the arms  part 1

    qigong opening exercise raise the arms  part 2

    qigong opening exercise raise the arms  part 3

    qigong opening exercise raise the arms  part 4

    If you would like to try this please visit our detailed instructions for raising the arms
