qigong exercises

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And several forms and individual exercises can be combined to make up a comprehensive healing system - the wild goose form is a good example.
Here we are just looking at the qigong exercises on the site that we have full instructions for - you will be able to take the individual exercises and put them together in a way that suits your needs.
Unlike tai chi most qigong exercises can be used on their own and they can also be joined together to form warm ups or specialised routines.
It's usual to start a form with an opening move, finish with a closing move and do an even number of repetitions of the exercises in between.
These qi gong exercises are grouped according to their benefits - so you'll see the same exercise in more than one group.
To see a full list you can go to the instruction index or if you would like to see what they look like first - browse the picture index. We hope you find something you enjoy doing.
- opening moves
- closing moves
- upper back exercises
- lower back exercises
- more lower back exercises
- whole back exercises
- gentle back turns
If you have any queries about the exercises or have some favorite qigong exercises that you would like to share then contact us.
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