the top picture for everyday tai chi

4 minute fitness

Don't be fooled by the 4 Minute FitnessTM - it is really a modern Qi Gong pattern.

Dr Keith Jeffrey's approach to Qi Gong is relaxed and friendly and his explanations are clear and crisp - very user friendly.

The exercises are also demonstrated sitting down - ideal if you want to do some exercises at your desk, in a traffic jam, or if you have limited mobility.

Also contains some positive affirmation guidance that might strike you as a bit odd - but it is psychologically sound.

Minor niggle - we did not like the new age music - but that's just us.

This DVD is ideal for beginners and people with energy or mobility limitations.

Highly recommended

We actually bought this and Tai Chi for Busy PeopleTM and wouldn't swap.

Go take a look for yourself 4 minute fitness
