shibashi instructions
page 3

in shibashi instruction - starting with detailed instructions for:- moves 1 - 3 |  moves 4 - 6 |  moves 7 - 9  |  moves 10 - 12 |  moves 13 - 15 |  moves 16 -18
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shibashi page 3 index - moves 7-9

  • Carry Ball in Front of the Shoulders
  • Gazing at the Moon
  • Turning the Waist and Pushing with the Palm

  • Tip:

    All the moves to be done at the same time are in small blocks. Each block has a name like transition move and then all the actions for you to do are indented.

    For more help with basic techniques and the instruction layout go to tai chi instruction

    - enjoy your shibashi instruction

    Position check

    body facing 12:00; feet shoulder width apart; weight centered; sink body; knees slightly bent
    arms at sides with palm facing back to 6:00

    Carry Ball in Front of the Shoulders

    overall effect
    imagine that you are standing in clouds and just by lifting your hand from your side you can scoop up a ball of cloud. Carry the ball of cloud up to your opposite shoulder then turn your hand over to let it drift away and bring your hand back to your side to get another ball of cloud.

    • transition move:
      • turn right palm to face 12:00

    • raise heel left:
      • raise the heels

    • turn left:
      • turn body from waist to 10:30
      • breathe in
      • extend right arm up towards 10:30 at shoulder height
      • right palm face up in line with center chest

    • lower heels left:
      • lower heels to floor
      • turn right palm down

    • face front from left:

      • sink body down with knees slightly bent
      • breathe out
      • turn body from waist to 12:00
      • draw right arm down to thigh
      • palms facing 6:00
      • turn left palm to face 12:00

    • raise heels right:

      • raise the heels

    • turn right:

      • turn body from waist to 1:30
      • breathe in
      • extend left arm up towards 1:30 at shoulder height
      • left palm face up in line with center chest

    • lower heels right:

      • lower heels to floor
      • turn left palm down

    • face front from right:

      • sink body down with knees slightly bent
      • breathe out
      • turn body from waist to 12:00
      • draw arm down to thigh
      • palms facing 6:00

    Repeat: raise heel left thru face front from right 4 times

    end of this shibashi instruction

    return to shibashi page 3 index or top

    Gazing at the Moon

    overall effect
    imagine that you have a big balloon between your hands and you turn to look at the moon over you shoulder and then you lower your arms and turn to look over the other shoulder.

    • transition move:

      • draw arms to front in line with upper thigh
      • palms facing each other hip width apart

    • turn left:

      • breathe in
      • raise body slightly
      • turn body from waist to 10:30
      • fully extend both arms up towards 9:00
      • keep elbows slightly bent
      • left palm faces down fingers point to 9:00
      • right palm faces left elbow
      • relax shoulders, elbows and wrists
      • turn head to look at left palm

    • face front from left:
      • breathe out
      • turn body from waist to 12:00
      • sink body down with knees slightly bent
      • draw arms down and front in line with upper thigh
      • palms facing each other hip width apart

    • turn right:

      • breathe in
      • raise body slightly
      • turn body from waist to 1:30
      • fully extend both arms up and to 3:00
      • keep elbows slightly bent
      • right palm faces down fingers point to 3:00
      • left palm faces right elbow
      • relax shoulders, elbows and wrists
      • turn head to look at right palm

    • face front from right:

      • breathe out
      • turn body from waist to 12:00
      • sink body down with knees slightly bent
      • draw arms down and front in line with upper thigh
      • palms facing each other hip width apart

    Repeat: turn left thru face front from right 4 times

    end of this shibashi instruction

    return to shibashi page 4 index or top

    Turning the Waist and Pushing with the Palm

    overall effect
    imagine that you are pushing your hand across your body to the opposite corner and then pulling back

    • transition move:

      • extend the arms to the front at chest height
      • palms face up
      • breathe in
      • draw palms to the waist at waist height

    • raise palm:

      • raise the right palm to chest level

    • push to left:

      • turn right palm face front
      • turn body from waist to 10:30
      • shift body weight to left leg
      • breathe out
      • push right hand to 10:30
      • fully extend arm
      • keep elbow slightly bent

    • return to center:

      • turn right palm face up
      • turn body from waist to 12:00
      • transfer weight so weight is equal in both legs
      • breathe in
      • draw right hand to waist at right side
      • raise the left palm to chest level
    • push to right:

      • turn left palm face front
      • turn body from waist to 1:30
      • shift body weight to right leg
      • breathe out
      • push left hand to 1:30
      • fully extend arm
      • keep elbow slightly bent

    • return to center:

      • turn left palm face up
      • turn body from waist to 12:00
      • transfer weight so weight is equal in both legs
      • breathe in
      • draw left hand to waist at left side

    Repeat is in two stages

    first repeat: raise palm thru return to center 4 times

    last repeat: raise palm thru push to right

    end of this shibashi instruction and end of this group - congratulations

    If you find that a shibashi instruction is unclear then please contact us

    return to shibashi page 4 index or top

    in shibashi instruction - starting with detailed instructions for:- moves 1 - 3 |  moves 4 - 6 |  moves 7 - 9  |  moves 10 - 12 |  moves 13 - 15 |  moves 16 -18
    pictures moves 1 to 6  |  pictures moves 7 to 12  |  pictures moves 13 to 18  |  other shibashi resources  | or browse around tai chi sitemap | check our tai chi disclaimer